Teambuilding challenge

Set a unique team challenge at the half marathon in Aalter's Poeke Park!

Would you like to organise your own unforgettable team challenge for your employees?

With the Push Buddy Challenge, we challenge corporate teams to run a race together with enjoyers in marathon wheelchairs. This way, not only do the participating buddies and enjoyers have an unforgettable sports experience, you sport together for inclusion and thus create positive impact. Because your challenge leaves no one untouched: you leave a lasting impression on participants, enjoyers, the public and the organisers alike.

Participate in a unique way in this beautiful half marathon organised by the jogging club Aalter right through the beautiful nature reserve of Poekepark. As a team, you can choose to run the 5, 10 or 21 km course together with your enjoyers and your team leaders. Let's sport for good!

  • Type of challenge Team buddy-running with enjoyers
  • Sport activity Team participation in the 5, 10 or 21 km course
  • Participants Employees from your company and our enjoyers

What awaits your team in Aalter?

An unforgettable, inclusive G-sport team experience 🌈

✅ Experience a unique team activity for 2 to 5 people.

✅ Make an impact with your organisation and together push a wheelchair sufferer glittering across the finish line.

✅ You will be encouraged by everyone along the entire course!

✅ Share your experience and show how meaningful your business is.

✅ Your team runs for charity. The team contribution goes entirely to the G-sport operation of Triple Challenge.

Your team ticket costs €150 + €50 per runner and for that you get:

✅ Participation tickets for your team(s): each team consists of max. 5 runners.

✅ All teams will be provided with a buddy running wheelchair.

✅ Triple Challenge will provide an enjoyer (person with a disability)

✅ Assistance by our club members during your race.

✅ Every team is insured.

✅ The entire amount goes to the operation of Triple Challenge.

✅ You will become #TripleChallengeHeroes forever!

👉 Push Buddy wants you!

Register your company quickly for this Push Buddy Challenge!

Places are limited. So send us an email soon and we will take care of your registration.

Send us an email

Practical info

  • Registration will be taken care of by us
  • Meeting of registered teams and enjoyers: 12h30
  • Starting time: 5km: 13h30 / 10 and 21 km: 13h45
  • Location: Sports grounds Lotenhulle, Breestraat 1

All info about this event can be found at the website of jogging club Aalter.



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