Triple Challenge
Kerkstraat 108, 9050 Gentbrugge
Ondernr 0766 491 228
#TripleChallengeHeroes go all out for connective sports. We want everyone, no matter which disability, to be able to realise sportive dreams and feel what good sports do to you. That is why we want to make all the sports challenges accessible to everyone. That is what we are truly committed to. Sport for yourself, others and a brighter future - welcome to Triple Challenge.
Make an impact.
Join our challenges.
Join a colourful group of wheelers, buddies and runners at the Runners Lab' Half Marathon and cross the finish line!
Take part in the ultimate eco-trailrun challenge: plog the Gent Trail run & 'Leave no trace' in the Gentbrugse Meersen π³
Een unieke en inclusieve Mobiele fitness voor iedereen onder begeleiding van topatleet Gitte Haenen!
Every sporter should have a goal. A challenge to win. Thatβs the basics, right? First, set your sportive challenge at a pure, non-toxic level for your body and mind. And off you goβ¦
Now think about how wonderful it must feel if you help others while training for your sport goal. So choose your social target, only by making others happy you will find your true bliss.
Air, thatβs what we need when we sport. Good old oxygen. Set your eco challenge and give back that oxygen to our planet as a gift from you to the whole universe. Now that, my fellow athlete, is Triple challenge.